Presenter Guidelines
Thank you for presenting at the 10th Oceanic Conference on International Studies 2023.
Please check the conference program to re-confirm your session’s day, time, and room. Whilst we don’t anticipate any changes, please check the program again prior to your session.
We encourage presenters and delegates to download a PDF copy of the program from the website and bring this with them to the conference. A limited number of hard copies will be available at the conference for those who need to carry a copy.
The conference app will be released approximately 2 weeks prior to the conference and will include a comprehensive program and presenter list. We will email download instructions to all delegates prior to the conference.
Below are some tips to assist you, most importantly please ensure you start and finish your presentation on time.
Presentation Slides
· If you are using PowerPoint, please upload your presentation slides prior to COB Friday 30 June via the following Dropbox link:
· Please ensure your PowerPoint presentations are in 16:9 aspect.
· Files should be named with the day, session, and time of your presentation (Day_Session_Time).
· Always ensure to upload the latest version. Each upload is stamped with the date/time so we will only use the latest version uploaded to the system.
· If you have any problems uploading your presentation, please contact for assistance.
· Support will load presentations onto the computers in each room prior to the start of the conference.
· As a backup, bring your presentation files to the conference on a USB and upload them directly to the presentation computer located in the room. Embed any content such as video or audio (don’t link to external files).
Before your Session
· Go to your session room 15 minutes prior to the start time to meet the Session Chair, familiarise yourself with the room and the audio-visual setup.
· AV support personnel will be roaming between the session rooms to troubleshoot any technical issues should they arise.
· The standard setup for the rooms will be equipped for the presentation of PowerPoint slides and include a data projector, computer, lectern, and microphone. However, as some of the rooms being used are teaching spaces and with a small capacity, a microphone won’t always be available.
· The presentation computers use PowerPoint with a Mac operating system. As a backup, we suggest you bring your laptop if you use another system or require a specific or uncommon program. If presenting from your own laptop, please ensure you bring an HDMI adaptor so you can connect to the university presentation system.
· Note the presentation computers do not have presenter view. If you have notes to read from for your presentation, we recommend printing these out and bringing them with you on the day.
· Computer terminals will be unlocked at the beginning of each day. If the computer terminal is locked please contact your session chair or the registration desk.
During the Session
· Please be seated in the front row so that you can move to the lectern quickly at the end of the previous presentation.
· The Session Chair will flash timecards at 5 minutes, 2 minutes, and 1 minute prior to the end of your presentation.
· At the end of your presentation, the Session Chair will ring a bell for you to conclude immediately.
· Session Chairs have been instructed to end all presentations after the allocated time, even if you are not finished, to keep the program on time.
Individual Paper Presentations
· Individual Paper presenters will have 15 minutes maximum to present their paper. During your presentation, please keep a strict eye on the time.
· For individual paper sessions, Q&A will be at the end of the last presentation as a group Q&A.
Panel Sessions
· Panel sessions will include 3 – 4 presentations and will be chaired by the panel session convener. The time allocated is 15 minutes per paper, however, panels with three (3) panels may go over the standard 15 minutes time.
· Panel presenters must distribute their papers and/or abstract amongst session panel members prior to the conference.
· For panels with discussants, we ask that discussants limit their comments to 10 minutes maximum to allow time for audience Q&A.
· Q&A will be at the end of the panel as a group Q&A.
Roundtable Sessions
· Roundtable sessions are less formal than other presentations. This is an opportunity to discuss related research/topics of interest in a conversational type of format. These sessions should include four to five speakers, plus a session chair.
· These sessions typically do not involve the presentation of visual material/PowerPoint slides.
There are no facilities for photocopying at the venue. We suggest you bring a copy of your slides and any handouts with you (if desired).
If you have any queries, please direct these to the registration desk during the conference, or email prior to the conference.