Oceania Book Prize for International Studies
The ‘Oceania Book Prize for International Studies’ will be awarded to the best book on international studies, broadly conceived, published during the previous two years.
Please allow sufficient time for three hard copies of your book to travel internationally by mail to the three addresses provided below. Books received after the deadline will not be considered.
• The author’s primary institution must be located in the Oceanic region (Australia, New Zealand, and Pacific Island countries). In the case of jointly-authored works, at least one author must meet this criterion.
• The monograph may be single- or jointly-authored, but edited books are not eligible.
• The book must have been published by a university or commercial publisher in the preceding TWO (2) years. For the 2023 prize, this means a publication date of 2021, 2022 or 2023.
• Authors, publishers, or others may nominate a book for the prize.
• THREE (3) copies of the book must be submitted to the THREE (3) Award Committee Members at the addresses listed. While e-book copies are permitted, applicants are strongly encouraged to submit hard copies as well.
• The OCIS Organising Committee reserves the right not to award the prize in any given year.
• The winner will be invited to attend OCIS 2023 and receive a monetary award of AU$1,000. Conference registration fee will be waived, however travel and accommodation will not be covered.
A cover letter and ONE (1) copy of the nominated book should be sent to the THREE (3) addresses below.
Please also send the cover letter by email to
so that we are aware of your intent to apply.
• Address 1:
Professor Richard Devetak
School of Political Science and International Studies
The University of Queensland
St Lucia, QLD 4072, Australia
• Address 2:
Associate Professor Christine Agius
School of Social Sciences, Media, Film and Education
Swinburne University of Technology
Hawthorn, VIC 3122, Australia
• Address 3:
Professor Katrina Lee-Koo
School of Social Sciences
Monash University
Clayton, VIC 3800, Australia
The ‘Oceania Book Prize for International Studies’ Committee for 2023 is:
Professor Richard Devetak (University of Queensland, Chair), Associate Professor Christine Agius (Swinburne University of Technology), Professor Katrina Lee-Koo (Monash University).